In recent years, along with microelectromechanical (MEMS) technique and wireless body area network (WBAN), wearable health monitoring systems have emerged. With sustainability posture detection technique, people pay more and more attention to mankind posture detection. Human posture detection technique has been widely used in medical, film and television, industry, sports, and other fields. Motion capture is a technique for measuring the motion of moving objects in three-dimensional space with great accuracy. It is the most efficient method for producing computer 3D animation and collecting human motion data. The use of motion capture systems in animation is becoming increasingly common. The problem of a single sensor having a large error in monitoring human motion and attitude is addressed. The use of multisensor data fusion technology is used to propose a human motion pattern recognition method based on data fusion of accelerometer and gyroscope. The system must effectively integrate the information of various sensors in order to achieve the goal of accuracy, timeliness, and reliability processing, and multisensor information fusion systems for various complex application objects are constantly emerging.